Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009


hello fellas! meet me again hihihi. okay so i'll tell you about 9 graders. jadi sebenernya kalo boleh milih gue bakal masih mau tetep jadi kelas 8. kelas 8 tuh kita bisa bebas bebasnya main, gak stress mikir uan gitu-gitu. gue masih mau sama 2a, masih mau jadi kelas 8, masih mau dra,ma, kangeeeeen. dan minggu pertama masuk aja udah ada pr, gilak gak sih??????? udah gitu belom ngerjain ki, makin stress dah. ohiya btwbtwbtw judul ki gue adalah : phobia dan pengaruh kepasa siswa/i alizhar pondok labu, HAHAHAHAHAHAH okay doakan semoga sukses ya kawan! terus terus ya lanjut dong, gue lagi capek nih sama semuanya, belom apa2 udah capek wkwkwk mau liburan terus aja yang lama 3 bulanan gitu kek wkwk. OHIYA DAN GUE SENENG BANGET HARI INI KARENA..........finally gue dibeliin laptop baru! akhirnya setelah................................2 taun gue minta! WIHIIIII cuman masih belom bisa apa2 gitu, buka youtube gak bisa, msn belom ada, itunes belom, limewire juga belom, banyak yang belom deh. cuman gue seneng aja karena yang lama amat sangatlah bodoh, masa kemaren ngadet 3 jam coba??????????? lebay dah laptopnya bikin emozi aza nih ah -_- tapi gpp deh kan ada yg baru :p buuuuutbutbut gue gak akan ngelupain laptop yg lama ituuuu, dia sudah baik mau membantuuuuuuuu HIHIHI makasih laptopy! dan bsk ada mat, gue blm ngerjain, what-a-stupid-me? okay so see ya bloggg

Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

hey you

hey hey hey guyssss! gilak udah 3 minggu gue gak nge-post?????? haha yaudalah ya. jadi sekarang masih libur loh hihihi :3 liburan gue ke singapore ya beli macem2 gitu deh tapi gak banyak soalnya cuman 4 hari 3 malem wkwk. terus ya lumayan bosen lah ya liburan, kemaren gue sama puti esketing haha pertama kali esketing -_- jatoh sebanyak : 3 kali hm oke kan? yaudah lah kan pertama kali ini terus tadi gue nntn harpot sm tasya yara ai, biasa aja sih harpot soalnya gue cmn nntn yg kelima sm yg ini. AAAH belom beli bahan batik sama bahan jumat T_T bodo ah! i really really not ready for school! oh god please..............

Selasa, 23 Juni 2009


hey hey hey people <3 sorry for my-super-duper-late-post! yeah so, beberapa hari apa minggu yang lalu tuh ya gue udah kenaikan kelas, dan gue naik kelas hihi alhamdulillah! tapi yaaaaaaaa gue sedih sih ya ninggalin kelas yang udah klop banget, terus gue juga belom terlalu siap kelas 3 huhu. kalo udah naik kelas berarti...........................yeah! it means HOLIDAY IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!! oke, kalo liat kata2 itu seakan akan ada pencerahan gitu kan? yaiyalah!!!!! kita nge istirahatin otak banget nih dari stress selama 1 taun, wooh asik banget kan? tapi holiday ini gak se-seru yang dibanyangiiiiiiiin malah kebanyakan bosennya gitu kan, mau pergi tapi pergi kemana coba, ngabisin duit gitu? bah liburan bokek bangettttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt di dompet aja cuman ada berapa ya......60 apa 70 gt kalo gak salah huhuhuhuhuu. terus ya hari2 gue gue laksanakan dengan : ol msn, twitter, fb, makan, tidur, main, youtube, dvd, ngurus kelinci, telfonan, ya gitu2 doang lah yaaaaaaaaaaaaa. hmmm kebosanan telah melanda!!!!!!! tapi gapapa sih ya daripada belajar yegak? :P tumben banget yak gue ngepost lewat laptop, soalnya tumben banget juga internetnya nyala mihihihi makanya gue ol dari laptop wkwkwk udah lama banget gak ol dari leptop suer dah. terus ya kalo liburan juga gue kebanyakan home alonenya, mama dan ayah ke kantor, kk palingan pergi, tinggal mba sama supir................................no way way! ugh yaudalah ya terima nasib aja huhu gbyeeeeeeee

Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

the last day!

Hello! Hari ini penentuan loh naik kelas apa enggak...........well, wish me luck aja deh ya. Hari ini hari terakhir gue menjadi kelas 2 smp, dan terakhir juga gue sama sama sama 2A. Sedih deh karna ya pisah gitu sm 2A padahal itu kelas udah klop&enak menurut gue. Gue pasti bakal kangeeeeen banget sama ributnya 2A, sama gaduhnya, sama ngeselinnya :P hiks gbye 2AAAA, take care :(

halo halo bandung~

Hello all! Udah lama yaaaaa gk ngepost wkwk. Jadi cerita aja deh ya dari pas ehb! Udah lama sih yaaa beberapa hari yg lalu hm mungkin seminggu yg lalu. Jadi ehb sangat amat membuat diriku stress you knowwwwww itu susah deh pokoknya sampe harus benar benar belajar (yaiyalah ya) terus hasilnya ada yg memuaskan tp ada yg enggak. Sehari setelah ehb 2A ke waterboom! Wuhuuu seru bgt deh tp osis gk ikut :((( sm ada beberapa yg gk ikut gt hiks sedih. Terus jumatnya gue masuk dan remed2 gitu deh haha nah abis itu weekend biasalah dirumah doang atau paling ke mana gt ya jalan2 refreshing! And then..............class meeting. Hari pertama tuh ngapain ya.........ohiya seminar2 gt main2 deh haha agak kurang penting sih :P terus hari kedua masaaaaaak dong terus 2A sempet bingung bgt karna kompornya laras rusaaaak ckkkk terus akhirnya pake kompor nindy tp pake listrik kan jadi gk ada stop kontak akhirnya kita masak di depan elektro deh bikinnya pudding sm sosis di gulung mie -_- haha peralatannya minim abis masa motong sosis pake gunting wkwk maafkan aku ya membuka aib~ and then hari rabu daur ulang tp gue gk masuk gt deh :P nah terus hari iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii seru deh gue ikut halang rintang tp kalah -_- terus dodge ball! Juara 3 looooh wooooho selamat ya tim dodge ball (^) pulangnya gue basah2an di mobil gt basahnya lebay gara2 main water gamezzzz hahaha dannnnn sekarang lg nulis deh haha dadah pegel ah

Selasa, 02 Juni 2009


Hello people! Sori bgt udah lama gak ngepost gitu deh, ya I know you miss me :3 oke! Jadi gue sekarang dimasa masa ehb! Tapi besok udah terakhir HEHE besok fisika dan komputer!!!!! Wish me luck for fisika! Komputer sangat tidak penting, nilai2 udah keluar loh!! Gue remed 2 hiks, bing&agama, bing gue 44 belom sm essay, agama 57 -_- bind 70! Mat 80! Wohooo pkn 86! Hehe semoga yg lain bagus deh ya amin! Gue lg belajar fisika nih tp gak masuk2 ke otak deh, jadi gue nonton aja untuk menghibur diri HIHI yaudah yaaaaa people! Gnite! Wish me super duper triple double luck! Gbye (k)

Jumat, 22 Mei 2009


Heyyyyyyy blogspot.com! Udah lama bgt ya gak ngepotss ahaha padahal baru 1 minggu. Sori beuuudhhh soalnya lg buzy gitu deh (?) Haha entar aja ya ceritanya malez nich bubye! Cawwwww (k)

Selasa, 12 Mei 2009


Hey blogspot.com-holicccc hihihi so me abis main o2jam gitu deh ya di laptop, serrrrrru beudh tapi kram pantat karna kelamaan duduk ahahahhahahahhahah yaudah deh ya hari ini capek jadi me mau tdrrrrrr, udah jam 10 bouuuuu! Hahahha goodbye, goodnight. Cawwwww everybody! (K)


Hey blogspot.com-mania! Sekarang lagi boseeeeeeeeeeen banget ya ck. Ngapain aja ya hari ini huh gak ada apa apa -_- lagi bad mood banget nih hhhhhhh mana ada pr mat lg belom ngerjain pula, banyak lagi soalnya..............help me somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Senin, 11 Mei 2009


Hello blogger-mania-holic-loverssss! Now I'm at school, studying biology. The teacher are going2 so we're free. We have some works to do, but I'm lazzzzzzzzzy to do it -_- hmmm I'm so so so NOT IN THE MOOD FOR SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, so goodbye (k)(k)(k) cawwwww

today is monday (?)

Hello blogspot.com-mania! So today is school day. I'm so lazyyyy to go to school. Ya kalo dipikir pikir kapan ya gue mood sekolah, ahahaha. Jadi pelajaran pertama bahasa indonesia, seru sih ya gak bosen, pak edi sempet marah gitu deh gara gara kelasnya berisik bangeeeeet. Terus kedua, bahasa inggris. Kita ulangggggaaaaaannnnnn. Part B-nya susah banget gitu deh tapi alhamdulillah gak remed :D terus istirahat!!!! Syukurlah, cause I'm sooooo hungry! Then, math. I understand today so I'm happy haha biasa aja sih ya. Terussss solat deh karna ujan jadi pada solat diagama haha abis itu pelajaran agama, nyatet slideshow gitu deh terus bu netty ngejelasin wakakakka. Akhirnya pulaaaaanggggggg hhh nyampe rumah sih ya gue take a rest dulu, capek beudhhh. Abis itu gue kesebelah rumah gue, yak rumah sodara -_- gak nyampe semenittttt. Disana have fun dong melepaskan stress main wii cuman pegel bangeeet ahaha abis itu nyampe rumah jam setengah 9, padahal udah disitu dari jam 6an haha langsung dong belajar pkn haaah males gak sih ya gue sih belajar semasuknya aja lah ya, semoga dapet bagus buat besok. Sekarang gue mau sleeping dulu nih, pegel tangan capek tangan pegel otak capek otak pegel hati capek hati dan lain lain. See you next post! Ohiya kalo buka blog di hp gue sekarang jadi cool loh ada gambarnya hehe soalnya dulu cmn tulisan ya gak jelas oke byebyeeeee!!!!!!!! Ciao! (K)

Minggu, 10 Mei 2009

school, again and again.

Hello blogger-mania ahahhahaha soooooo me lagi di school nih, bosen gak sih? Sekolah lagi, sekolah lagi. Sekarang me lagi istirahat, berhubung males makan jadi nunggu aja di ruang agama sambil ya ngeposttttt, menunggu bel masuk. Hhhhh males ah belajar agama (astagfiruloh) yaabis lagi gak moooooooowd gimana dong yabbbh ahahha yaudah deh ah oke goodbyeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009


hai kalian semua para pembaca dan kawankawan HAHAHAH sok mejikuhibiniu yagak sih? me lagi sama my sodara loch namanya nadia or you can call her, NADIBUL YA HM DIBUL. kita sedang melakukan aktifitas bernyanyi alias karaoke, tapi nadanya gak ada yang pas alias pada fals, mirip iwan falz. UPZZZ ITU GAK LOECOE HAHAHAHA you know what i mean lah ya, lucu lucu enggak enggak, emang sih ya gue lucu, i know it. sambil membuka fb dan membuka sesi curahan hati atau curhat hmmmmya sebenarnya agak membosankan GAK DENG seru beuuuuddhhhh huhauhuahuahuahuahuahuahuhauah. udah yabz me mau karawwwkey nich bubyelome (k)

ide ide garing ini berasal dari nadia ya, not me. dia emg rada freak gitu hmmmmm AHAHAHAHAHHAHA PIS

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009


Hello peeeeople! Ini post gue yang ke 100 loh ahahhaa biasa aja sih sebenernya wakakka dari taun kapan baru ke 100 post nya ahahhaha nowwwrak -_- sekarang gue lagi pelajaran bahasa indonesia nihhhh udah selesai ngerjain tugas tapi gak ada guru yiha tapi bowwwwwwwsen -,---- hmmmm karna gak ada kerjaan gue ngepost aja deh muahahaha duh nanti gue remed lagi nichhhhh, banyak beudh yabbh remednya hmmm gue terkesan menjadi anak yang sangat dan amat bodoh -_- duh gue lagi pengeeeeen banget refreshing, pengen ke 1 tempat yang cuman bener2 keluarga atau enggak gue sendiri. Terus gue pengeeeen banget nemuin tempat kayak gitu, dimana gue bisa ngelupain semuaaaaa masalah gue, masalah sekolah lah, rumah lah, temen lah, segala macem deh ya pokoknya. Hhhh terkadang gue butuh banget long holiday, atau enggak gue butuh banget segala yang bisa buat gue melupakan dunia sesaat, hhhhhhhhh gue udah capek banget nih. Mungkin kedengerannya lebay banget ya, tepi emg iyaaaa, iya banget malah. Uuuh sekarang gue mau istirahat dulu ya, byeeeee all! Kiss kiss (k)


Hey hey heyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! Jadi gue sekarang lagi bosen banget nihhhhhhh ahahaha lg nonton tukar nasib -_- ohiya gue harrrrus mengerjakan bahasa indonesia ya ampunnnnnn males bangettttttttt uhuhuhu mana pegel banget lagi yaallah :( hmmm oke deh gue mau solat dulu ya hihi trying to be anak rajin!!!!! Bye! (K) love yaaaaa~~

Rabu, 06 Mei 2009


Hello you guys u know what gue lg di perpustakaan ya dalam rangka pelajaran biologi. Gue lagi not in the mood banget sama sekolah, gila hari ini gue bt banget bangetan yg bawaannya marah marah terus. Udah gitu guru biologinya ngeselinnnnnn ah kesel udah ah drpd gue marah2 disini goodbye (k)


Hell-o peeeeople! So now I wanna sleep, because I feel so tired and so sleepy hoaaam -_- okayyyyy nite everybody! Sleep tight :D I wish tommorow will be better than today, and I wish tonight will no thunder again. Amin. Byeeeeeeeeee! I love yaaaa~ (k)


Hey people! Gue lg suka banget nulis ada kruel kruel kayak gini nih ~~~ ahahah kampung yabbbh. Hmmm oke now I wanna tell u about today! Kemaren malem gue kan ketiduran gitu kan, jadi posisi tidurnya gak mantafff soalnya dikelilingin boneka -_- terus kan gue tidur sama nyokap kan tiba tiba jam stgh 12 apa stgh 11 gitu ada petir GEDE BANGET!!!!!!!! Gue langsung bangun gitu kan refleks dan dikamar nyokap gue kayak ada cahaya petir gitu kan dikit dikit abis itu gue ganti posisi (?) Dan tidur lagi cuman gue ketakutan dan kepanasan -_- hmmmmmm oke gue bangun jam 6 dan mandi dll berangkat jam 6.20 ha abis itu dijalan ada angkot mogok hmmffft lambreddddh jadinyabh. Oke nyampe sekolah deh yiha (sebenernya males sih -_-) pelajaran alquran! Syukur gue gak disuruh baca hmmmm terus math!!!!!!! Ya biasa aja sih tapi ngantuqqqq beudh +_+ ya abis itu bing ulangan ya lumayanlah gak remed :):) hihi terus seni rupa! Maleeeees bgt nah udah pulang musti remed -_- ya pasrahlah ahajaha eh bukannya remed malah pemantapan ya yaudalahya daripada remed tapi gak ngerti yegak? Dan gue pulang jam setengah 5 cuman buat ngerjain 4 nomerrrrrrr -,,,,,- bego gak? Ah bodo lah ya wakakaka sekarang gue lg ontheway nih menjeput nyokap huffft capek da LAPERRRRR banget huhuhu sabar aja deh yayaya entar gue ngepost lagi hihi byeeeeee (k) ~~

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

im ontheway

Hello everybody, so now I'm ontheway to pim from school. 'Cause I wanna buy heavenly blush. I want heavenly blush too bad, yeah and now I wanna buy it :D hmmm ya today is no fun, cause I'm not in the mood for school, again. I feel not well today, I hate some part of my life, I don't know where I should tell and nobody will know it. I need more privacy, I need somewhere that I can be alone, make me feel better. I need more and more holiday to refresh my brain from everything that makes me stressed out. So just this that I can tell u cause I'm arrived in pim! Heee goodbye, love ya (k)

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

kapan pulang sekolahhhhhhhh

Hai lagiiiiiiiiiii ahahha jadi gue kepengen banget ya pulang sekolah!!!!!! Males bgt sekolah hukz hikz kapan ya pulang duh msh jam 2 kan lama bgttttt ah ah ahhhhhhh beyte -,,,,- duch maabbbh yab nowrax gitu deh yaabis stress nih ah bye (k)

computer class

Hello peeeeeople! Now I have a computer class, and it was sooooooo boring! Hmmmm okay I just wanna tell u that so goodbye! After this I have fisika or pkn I don't know. Too bad ): bye peopleeeee! Cawww (k)

i dont like today!!!!!!!!

I don't like today, yeah its monday and I hate this monday. So today is coffee morning and the first lesson is bahasa indonesia, I don't hate bahasa indonesia, and bahasa indonesia for today is not boring. Than english. The teacher are not coming so the girls of 2A are playing do-mi-ka-do and truth or dare. I like this partttttttt :bbb and the math class. Hmmmm I think it will be so boring but I don't know why, math for today not toooo boring. The last is agama. Hmmmm I don't like it. Because we have to 'meringkas' something and I got it tooo much for me! Then I go home and go to mayestik. I buy kue pancong! And I really love it <3<3<3 but I don't knowwwww today I'm not in the mood for school, I hate it. And I hate someone sssshhht I can't tell you guysssssss, so sorry............and today my badmood mode : on. Okay goodbye everybody, I'm to tired to write more. Goodbye, see you next posts (k)


Hello people!!!!!!!!!!!! So today is school day. I'm not in the mood for shool -_- jadiya disekolah biasa aja gitu deh hmmmmmmm gak ada yg menarik. Oke goodbye (k)

Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

apa ya

Hai kalian! Tau gak di post sebelomnya gue nulis 'udah' malah 'udang' hmmmm mungkin karna pagi pagi jadi ngelindur kali ya brrrrrb jadi gue abis dari pim ya rame bgt dan abis nntn knowing cama mama (?) Nah susah dimengerti gitu deh knowing karna ribet (?) Abis itu segala macem pulangnya pengen beli heavenly blush............tapi.........rame beudhhhhh +_+ ya karna udah pengen jadi gue ngantri aja haha dengan soknya gue beli toppingnya mochi, weqqqq gak enak hahahah yaudah sekarang mau nge print foto kewarneddddh okeeee dan ngerjain mat!!!!!!!! Keburu gak ye ah yaudahdeh ya byekekeke (k)))))

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

minggu pagi (8)

Hello! Pagi pagi udang nge post hihi rajin kan (?) Jadi pagi ini gue bangun jam 8 terus nonton tv deh doraemon dan sekarang lagi nonton shinchan ahauhauah dan bentar lagi mau siap siap nih karna harus ke pim pagi pagi ahahaha alasannyaaaaaaa karna susah dapet parkir dan gak ada supir. Tujuan ke pim tuh ya beli kanvas buat mat -,- byekeeee (k)

hari ini hari yang..............blabla

Hai kawan aku kembali lagi! Ahahhaha jadi hari ini ya pagi pagi udah dibangunin jam 8 gara gara my mama mau pergi ke mayestik. Karna berhubung males dirumah sendirian jadi me ikut aja lah ya dengan baju kumel dan belom mandi hauhauaahauaha jijay bajay banget yakan ah bodo deh. Hmmmmm oke jadi di mayestik me beli roll rambut, permen, sepatu blabla iket rambut dll terus stroberi dan kue pancong haha enak bgtttttt kue pancong!!!!!!!!! Hmmmble abis itu pulang kan ya tadinya mau ke itc cuman berhubung salah satu my embak mau pulang kampung jadi me harus pulang karna dia mau pamitan kan ya. Udah gitu dirumah bosssssen banget gak ketolongan deh cuman mau ngapain ya abis itu cuman nonton dvd spongebob haha abal banget gak? Yaudalah ya terus gua chat sama banyak terus sama tasya nanya deh enaknya ngapain katanya pergi aja sama mamamuuu AHA! Ide bagus! Jadi kubangunkanlah ibuku dan mengajaknya pergi! Dengan negosiasi panjang (kenapa bahasanya jadi baku ya hm bodo) akhirnya kami putuskan untuk creambath di salon cipete gitu deh. Nah kan itu salon cewek semua ya isinya no boys ahuahauahua pas masuk ebusset penuh beuddddh, tapi langsung deh disuruh ganti kemben hahahaha sexy kan +_+ dan dipijetnya lama 30 menit gitu deh tapi geli2 gimana gitu :bbb nah abis itu me mengusulkan untuk menipedi karnaaaa kepengen ya abis ditawarin ya buat apa ditolak (?) Nah ternyata lama bgt menipedinya udah jam stgh 7 gitu kan padahal gue dateng jam 5 kurang. Yaudah terus karna masih pake kemben gue minta nyuci rambut dan ganti baju. Abis itu di blow buru2 karna udah sepi bgt boi! Tinggal 2 orang ahahahaha yaudah deh selesai jam 7 abis itu nyampe rumah nonton sinetron •_• Dan menulis blog! Hihi love yaaaaaaa nanti dilanjutkan kembali, maaf loh ya apabila ada yang menyinggung..........oaic! Eyb! (K)

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

sudah malam!

Hello you guys! I'm back hihi. Soooo udah malem ya kawan semua hummmmm tadi gue abis menyaksikan the master gitu deh tapi cuman bentar doang terus males soalnya udah pada tidur -,- and I'm alone!!!!! Padahal gue tidur dikamar nyokap dan ada tvnya..............kenapa gak nonton ya??????? Ah bego deh -_- tapi males sih ya abis juga serem hmmm atut onton cendilian >_< huahuahauha najong. Ngapain ya malem2 gini hhhhh bosen tapi ngantuk, internet mati. Brrrr bt ah ngggrrrrrr pengen cerita di blog tapi keypad gue berisik banget jadi kayak kletak kletuk gitu malem ahahahha. Yasudahlah ya me mau b o b o bobo! Byeeeeeee, see you next posts! Love yaaaaaa, ciaooo (k) ---> (k) adalah tanda kiss yg wajib ada disetiap posts ya gak sih? Wakaka kadang lupa juge sih ye hihi udah ah bye! Night all (s)(s)(s)

asahab kilab! (bahasa balik :bbb)

Iah aumes! Idaj em uam silun ekap asahab kilab eheheh :b silun ekap asahab kilab ures hol, idaj nuf utig hed. Mmmmh apa ay gnay uam id hisak uat.........em namuc gnesi aja his ay raib kag nesob! Ipat amal amal hasus aguj ay silun kayak inig ihihihih namuc ek negnep his ay auhauhauh nailak gnisup kag tail ayn eheheheh itnan em tujnal igal ay.............ihihihi eyb!!!! Oaicccccc evol evol evol evol ay! )K(


Hmmmmm.........jadi hari ini gue cuman ke itc fatmawati. Terussss beli tas celana rok dvd dan lain lainnya. Yaaaaaaaa bosen gitu deh soalnya gak ada yg fun. Pas gue go home cuman main sm kelinci ahahahahaha dan chat. Terus sakit peruttttttt ya tapi gak sesakit kemaren gitu sih ya ayo coba hibur aku kawan! Karnaaaa internet dirumah mati -,- jadi gue cuman bisa main internet di hp -_- itupun cuman main fb sm blog sm msn hhhhhhuffft eteebbbb huahauhaua suka deh nulis bahasa kilab!

Rabu, 29 April 2009

sunday, friday, and more day

So sunday me and laras nefa nindy go toooo apartment and rusun. Its fun but when we are in rumah susun, I feel so dizzy and dizzy and dizzy more dizzy so dizzy! And I'm just sit then laras nefa nindy took a photo. Then we pick nindy's mother to inacraft (too much of people you knowwww!) And then we go go go to sency because nindy have to meet her family there and my mom pick me at sency too. Laras and nefa go home too hihi. Then I go home, I feel more better in my carrrrrr. When I'm home, I call my rabbit and I see he's sick ): just pray for my rabbit to make him (him? Because my rabbits are boy!) feel better like meeee :D hhhhhh so it is just finish! Hufffffffft so last sunday I was so sooooo soooooooo TIREDDDDDDD

Rabu, 22 April 2009

its too late? hmm i guess not

Hellooooooo (again) hihi :3 so 19th april is my birthday! And I'm so happy about it :D and I hope in this birthday I will be a better person and I'll get a more happinessss in my life! I wish all my dreams comes true and wish me all the best :D its not too late right? Yeah that's not. Happy birthday to me hihihi. Now I really really tired so just do it tommorow (k)


Hello you guys! Its so long time I'm not posts anything cause I'm tooooo busy to study -_- yeah its makes me stressed out you know and tommorow is ilsos test -,,,,- so fun (??!!?) I'm so tired about school, I want sleep right now hoaaah, ciaooooo! (K)

Rabu, 01 April 2009


KALIAN TAU GAK? (gak nyantai) kalo kemaren itu adalah miracle :D hihi tau apa? kan kemaren gue harus ngirim kshatriya mythology gitu kan ke emailnya ash, terus internetnya mati kan hiks terus gue udah mau siap siap kewarnet gitu kan akhirnya tiba tiba...........................TUKANG INTERNET DATENG!!! masya allah alhamdulillah banget deh ya ya allah :):):) makasih tukang internet! terus akhirnya gue kirim terus gue main fb blog dll deh ihihihihii

akhirnya hihhi

hai semua! haha hari ini nyebelin deh ya pertama alquran, gue baca lagi hufffffff -_- terus kedua matematika, pra latman hiks tapi catetan nisa ngebantu banget hihi makasih nis :b gak tau sih bagus atau engga, ya yaudalah ya udah usaha gitu kan. terus bahasa inggris, hmmm presentasi. kelompoknya ajeng gitu2 bagus deh iri hahahahah tapi kelompok gue juga baguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus kok tapi waktunya gak cukup jadi ya yaudah deh. terus pas ditanya mr amy pas gue baca gitu gue gak bisa jawab dan gue salah ngomong -_- bodooh. terus terakhir kan kesenian gitu kan, bikin unta dibalut tissue haiuhaiuhaiuha terus kan dibawah untanya ada rumput gitu kan jadi harus pake warna ijo, terus baju gue kenaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cat ijoooo. ah kesal. tapi yang seneng adalah : lega abis keramas (apa sih) haha terus gak ada pr tapi bukunya berat buat besok, abis itu akhirnya gue bisa main pet soc sama buka youtube gara gara kalo pake opera gak bisa download adobenya gitu tapi kalo pake internet explorer bisa gitu hihi asik yaaaaa, makasih internet explorer :D ah payaaaaaah opera payah! weeek :b:b:b

Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

vedic uh oh im in loveeeeeeeeeeee

VEDIC wohooooooo im in love banget deh sama vedic (l) (l) (l)

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009


you know what? *piiiiip* is so a big big liar. si *piiip* ini tuh ya selalu ngelakuin hal yang sama, dia tuh kayaknya pengen banget disuka orang orang dan kepengen be the perfect one. hhhhh gue sih udah ogah ya dibohongin dia lagi, dia tuh suka seenaknya aja. kayak dia siapa aja gitu hiiiiih males amet ya hoek. dan yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, dia tuh suka carmuk ya alias cari muka. ih its so disgusting you knoooooooooooooow masya allah (tobat)


hai hai haha sekarang gue lagi dirumahnya nindyyyyyyyyyyyyy ngerjain vedic gitu deeeeh. tadinya ada azka uti tapi mereka pulang jadi skrg tinggal gue nindy dan laras. terus sekarang lagi dengerin no me ames dan laras dan nindy lagi dansa haha. seru deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh haha (biasa aja padahal) oke oke segitu aja ya postssss gue dadaaaaah (K)

Senin, 23 Maret 2009


kalian duch gue lagi fuwzinky nih tau gak kenapaaaaaaaaaaa? karena tugas bahasa inggris duh duh males kan ya tentang 'vedic' haha bantuin cari dong kshatriyaaaaaaaaaaaaa. gue kemaren udah bikin kan, disave ke laptop dan usb nindy. tapi di leptop gue gak adaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, terus usb nindy katanya kayaknya kecuci. duh tolong ya hikssssssssssssss

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009


sekarang jam 21.45 haha and what i was doing? msn, fb, flickr, blog and watching cinta fitri hahahaha. its so boring cause my brother? on his room. mother? sleeping. father? sleeping. maid? dont know. and now i just lonely in my mothers room. hhhhhhhhhh hungry! but what i have to eat? and who wanns cook for me? ugghhhhhhhhhhhh


booooom! haha gak jelas banget deh ya. OHIYA gue mau tell you sssssssomething! GUE LAGI BOKEK ngahahahaha. iyalah secara dunia lagi krismon, duh gimana yayayayyaa. duit gue kalo dilihat dari segi mana aja sih ya tetep aja 20 ribu. dan lagi gue krismon pulsa juga nih. tinggal 8 ribu coba, hah. somebody give me money dong dan pulsa dong auhauhauhua. bosen deh boseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen, oke deh post yang ini gak penting. gue cuman iseng aja haha bye (k)

uh oh borrrrrrrrrring

hello, hari ini itu ngebosenin banget ya kawan. sebenernya sih gak bosen bosen amat. oke jadi gue akan menceritakan problem at home uh. jadi pertama, mba gue keluar karna gak tau. kedua supir gue cuti 1 setengah minggu. ketiga lampu rumah gue redup redup hahaha kasian amat ya hm yg redup cuman 2 koooooooook. keempat gue takut sama rumah gue sendiri ahahahay ya gitu deh ck. DUH SENIN MALES MASUK. males sekolah. males belajar. dan hari rabu gue bakal di test baca al-qur'an di depan teman teman lagi. karna? karna gue gak lancar baca alquran. hufff wish me luck. ohiya ltsnya yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa biasa aja sih ya jelek deh tapi gak jelek jelek amet kok haha byeeeeeee (k)

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

poker face

poker face by lady GaGa

Mum mum mum mah
Mum mum mum mah

I wanna hold em' like they do in Texas Plays
Fold em' let em' hit me raise it baby stay with me (I love it)
Luck and intuition play the cards with Spades to start
And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh, 
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got

Can't read my, 
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)
Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)

I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will be
A little gambling is fun when you're with me (I love it)
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun
And baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun, fun
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh, 
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got

Can't read my, 
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)
Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)

I won't tell you that I love you
Kiss or hug you
Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin
I'm not lying I'm just stunnin' with my love-glue-gunning
Just like a chick in the casino
Take your bank before I pay you out
I promise this, promise this
Check this hand cause I'm marvelous

Can't read my, 
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)
Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)

Can't read my, 
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)
Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)

Can't read my, 
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)
Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)

Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

tommorow oh LTS

besok.......................LTS-----laporan tengah semester. karna dbd jadi banyak yg ketinggalan, pasti nilainya jelek deh huuuuuu doakan semoga bagus ya kawaaaaaaaaan hiks hiks. duh pasti ltsnya meraaaaaaah deh huhaha gak jaman deh merah, mejikuhibbiniu dong yang kayak diajarin pak uki ngahahaha. udah ah, eh tau gak masa ya baru setengah jam yg lalu gua makan, sekarang gua udah laper ckck aneh ya. ohiyaaaaaaaa, maaf maaf aja ya yg bosen sm blog gue soalnya isinya lagi lyrics lagu gitu deh heeee bosen sih soalnya. intinya : gue takut lts, laper dan minta maaf karna isinya lyrics semua. oke? next posts aja deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh goodbye (k)


huaaaaaaaah i hate thursday karnaaaaaaaaa BUKUNYA BERAT. dan dan kalian semua ya harus tau gua bawa 3 buku yg terdiri dari : fisika&biologi, matematika dan ilsos lalu yang lebih nyebelin dan bikin kesel adalah GAK SATUPUN BUKU ITU DIPAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. kesel gak sih udah bawa berat gitu, gak dipake. terus kalo gak bawa nanti dimarahin. ah ah

Rabu, 18 Maret 2009


Dime porquè lloras 
De felicidad 
Y porquè te ahogas 
Por la soledad 
Di porquè me tomas fuerte asi mis manos y tus pensamientos te van 

Yo te quiero tanto 
Y porquè serà 
Loco testarudo no lo dudes màs aunque en el futuro haya un muro 
Enorme yo 
No tengo miedo quiero enamorarme 

No me ames porque pienses que parezco diferente 
Tù no piensas que es lo justo ver pasar el tiempo juntos 
No me ames, que comprendo, la mentira que serià 
Si tu amor no merezco, no me ames, mas quèdate otro dìa 

No me ames, porque estoy perdido, porque cambiè el mundo, porque es el 
Destino, porque no se puede, somos un espejo, y tù asì serìas lo que yo 
De mì 
No me ames, para estar muriendo, dentro de una guerra llena de 
Arrepentimientos, no me ames para estar en tierra, quiero alzar el 
Vuelo, con 
Tu gran amor por el azul del cielo 


No sè que decirte, esa es la verdad, si la gente quiere, sabe lastimar 
Tù y yo partiremos, ellos no se mueven, pero en este cielo sola no me 

No me dejes, no me dejes, no me escuches, si te digo "no me ames" 
No me dejes, no desarmes, mi corazòn con ese "no me ames" 
No me ames, te lo ruego, me amargura dèjame 
Sabes bien, que no puedo, que es inùtil, que siempre te amarè 

No me ames, pues te harè sufrir con este corazòn que se llenò de mil 
No me ames, para asì olvidarte de tus dìas grises, quiero que me ames 
Por amarme 
No me ames, tù y yo volaremos, uno con el otro y seguiremos siempre 
Este amor es como el sol que sale tras de la tormenta 
Como dos cometas en la misma estela 

No me ames 
No me ames 
No me ames 

No me ames 
No me ames 
No me ames 
No me ames

bizzare <3 triangle

bizzare love triangle - frente

Every time I think of you
I feel shot right through into a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine, but it's a problem I find
Living a life that I can't leave behind
There's no sense in telling me
The wisdom of a fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes, and it's what nobody knows
While every day my confusion grows

Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say

I feel fine, and I feel good
I feel like I never should
Whenever I get this way, I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
Well, I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seem
I do admit to myself that if I hurt someone else
Then we'll never see just what we're meant to be

Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say


thats so youuuuuuuuuuuu

thats so you - rocket summer

It's a beautiful day,
Now I'll be ok now that you're not away.
Yesterday, was a terrible day,
And now that you're here I'm ok,
Cause you don't know, 
How much I, I need you
Please don't go,
You're so wonderful,
This I swear, this I know,
You, oh you, 
Every single thing you do,
I'm so proud of you,
What you do,
When you do the things you do,
They're so you.
So thanks for your help,
You shine so bright,
You are the star that's in my sky.
And I am yours,and you are mine,
Whoa you, whoa you,every single thing you do,
I'm so proud of you, what you do,
When you do, the things you do.
They're so you,
And I'm so proud of you, that's so you.

tiger lilyy

tiger lily - matchbook romance

We drive tonight,
And you are by my side.
We're talking about our lives,
Like we've known each other forever.
The time flies by,
With the sound of your voice.
Its close to paradise,
With the end surely near.
And if i could only stop the car
And hold onto you,
And never let go (and never let go)
I'll never let go (i'll never let go)
As we round the corner
To your house
You turned to me and said,
"i'll be going through withdrawal of you 
For this one night we have spent."
And, i want to speak these words
But i guess i'll just bite my tongue,
And accept "someday, somehow"
As the words that we'll hang from.

And i (i..), i don't want to speak these words. 
'cause i ('cause i..), i don't want to make things any worse. 
And i (i..), i don't want to speak these words. 
'cause i, i don't want to make things any worse. 

Why does tonight, have to end?
Why don't we hit restart,
And pause it at our favorite parts.
We'll skip the goodbyes.
If i had it my way,
I'd turn the car around and runaway,
Just you and i.

And i (i..), i don't want to speak these words.
'cause i ('cause i..), i don't want to make things any worse. (any worse)
And i (i..), i don't want to speak these words
'cause i, i don't want to make things
And i, i don't want to make things any worse

lets get..............blablah

lets get fucked up and die - motion city soundtrack

Let's get fucked up and die... 
I'm speaking figuratively, of course... 
Like the last time that I committed suicide... social suicide... 
Yeah, so I'm already dead on the inside, 
But I can still pretend with my memories and photographs, 
I have learned to love the lie.

I wanna know what it's like to be awkward and innocent, not belligerent.
I wanna know how it feels to be useful and pertinent and have common sense... yeah
Let me in, let me in to the club, 'cause I wanna belong, 
And I need to get strong, and if memory serves, 
I'm addicted to words and they're useless.

(In this apartment)
Let's get fucked up and die... 
I'm riding hard on the last legs of every lie, 
And the BMX bike of my life is about to explode, 
I'm about to explode.
I'm a mess, I'm a wreck.
I am perfect, and I have learned to accept all my problems and short comings, 
Cause I am so visceral, yet deeply inept.

I want to thank you for being a part of my forget-me-nots and marigolds... 
And all the things that don't get old... 
Is it legal to do this? I surely don't know.
It's the only way I have learned to express myself through other peoples' descriptions of life... 
I'm afraid I'm alone and entirely useless... 

(In this apartment)
Let's get fucked up and die.
For the last time with feeling
We'll try not to smile
As we cover our heads and drink heavily into the nights
That still shock and surprise.
I believe that I can, overcome this and beat everything in the end
But I choose to abuse for the time being, 
Maybe I'll win, but for now I've decided to die.

Sister soldier
You've been such a positive influence on my mental frame
If I could ever repay you, 
I would, but I'm hard up for cash
And my memory lacks initiative.

God damn the liquor store's closed, 
We were so close to scoring
It hurts, it destroys 'til it kills... 
I am tired and hungry and totally useless.
(In this apartment)

you you you you you ugh you

ten to five - you 

You did it again
You did hurt my heart
I don’t know how many times

You... I don’t know what to say
You’ve made me so desperately in love
And now you let me down

You said you’d never lie again
You said this time would be so right
But then I found you were lying there by her side

You.. You turn my whole life so blue
Drowning me so deep, I just can reach myself again
You.. Successfully tore myheart
Now it’s only pieces
Nothing left but pieces of you

You frustated me with this love
I’ve been trying to understand 
You know i’m trying i’m trying

You.. I don’t know what to say
You’ve made me so desperately in love
And now you let me down

i will fly fly

i will flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy - ten to five

You know all the things i’ve said
You know all the things that we have done
And things i gave to you
There’s a chance for me to say
How precious you are in my life
And you know that it’s true

To be with you is all that i need
Cause with you, my life seems brighter and these are all the things
I wanna say...

I will fly into your arms
And be with you
Til the end of time
Why are you so far away
You know it’s very hard for me
To get myself close to you

You’re the reason why i stay
You’re the one who cannot believe
Our Love will never end
Is it only in my dream?
You’re the one who cannot see this
How can you be so blind?

I will fly into your arms
And be with you
Til the end of time
Why are you so far away
You know it’s very hard for me
To get myself close to you

I wanna get
I wanna get
I wanna get myself close to you

oh it is love <3

"Oh, It Is Love" - hellogoodbye

Oh, it is love
From the first time I set my eyes up on yours
Thinking oh, is it love?

Oh dear
It's been hardly a moment
And you are already missed
There is still a bit of your skin
That I've yet to have kissed
Oh say please do not go
But you know, oh, you know that I must
Oh say I love you so
But you know, oh, you know you can trust
We'll be holding hands once again
All our broken plans I will mend
I will hold you tight so you know
It is love from the first
Time I pressed my hand into yours
Thinking oh is it love?

Oh, dear, it's been hardly three days
And I'm longing to feel your embrace.
There are several days
Until I can see your sweet face.
Oh say, wouldn't you like to be older and married with me
Oh say, wouldn't it be nice to know right now that we'll be
Someday holding hands in the end
All our broken plans will have been
I will kiss you soft so you know
It is love from the first
Time I pressed my lips against yours
Thinking oh is it love?

Your heart may long for love that is more near
So when I'm gone these words will be here
To ease every fear
And dry up every tear
And make it very clear
I kiss you and I know
It is love from the first
Time I pressed my lips against yours
Thinking oh is it love?

Oh it is love from the first
Time I pressed my lips against yours
Thinking oh is it love?

I kiss you and I know
It is love from the first
Time I pressed my lips onto yours
Thinking oh is it love?


duch maaf yak daritadi ngepostnya lyrics lagu gituuuu deh hehe bosen sich

your call :9

your call - secondhand serenade

Your Call lyrics

Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry
Call I'm desperate for your voice
Listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember
Butterfly, Early Summer
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet
Like when we would meet

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Stripped and pollished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Cause every breath that you will take
When you are sitting next to me
Will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy?
(What's your, what's your...)

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

i remember :D

mocca - i remember

I remember... 
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
I remember... 
When we caught a shooting star, yes I remember
I remember... 
All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember... 
All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

Do you remember... ? 
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And I remember... 
When my father thought you were a burglar
I remember... 
All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember... 
All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

I remember... 
The way you read your books, 
Yes I remember
The way you tied your shoes, 
Yes I remember
The cake you loved the most, 
Yes I remember
The way you drank you coffee, 
I remember
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
When we caught a shooting star, 
Yes I remember
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And the way you smile at me, 
Yes I remember

all the single ladies (8)

Single Ladies - Beyonce

All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies

Now put your hands up
Up in the club, we just broke up
I'm doing my own little thing
Decided to dip and now you wanna trip
Cause another brother noticed me

I'm up on him, he up on me
Don't pay him any attention
Just cried my tears, for three good years
Ya can't be mad at me

Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh

If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it

I got gloss on my lips, a man on my hips
Got me tighter in my Dereon jeans
Acting up, drink in my cup
I can care less what you think

I need no permission, did I mention
Don't pay him any attention
Cause you had your turn and now you gonna learn
What it really feels like to miss me

Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh

If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh

Don't treat me to the things of the world
I'm not that kind of girl
Your love is what I prefer, what I deserve

Here's a man that makes me then takes me
And delivers me to a destiny, to infinity and beyond
Pull me into your arms, say I'm the one you own
If you don't, you'll be alone
And like a ghost Ill be gone

All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies
Now put your hands up, oh, oh, oh

Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh

If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh

1 2 3 4 i love youuuuuuuuuu

plain white t's


Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make me feel better when I’m feeling sad
Tell me I’m special even though I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely getting mad
I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
Its as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words 
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
Give me more loving from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
You’re the best that I’ve had
And I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words 
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
You make it easy 
It’s easy as 1 2 1 2 3 4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words 
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
I love you
(I love you) I love you


hai kalian semuaaaaaaaa, setelah 10000000 taun gak make internet rumah akhirnya NYALA LAGI WOHOOOOOOOO ASIK ASIK. oke, singkat cerita sekarang hari rabu. hmmmmm dan gua udah lama abis gak nge post gitu karna ya internet mati buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. nah kan ya sekarang makin stress dah gua karena jumat itu.....................pembagian lts. yayaya wish me luck deh ya biar nilainya bagussssssssssssssssssssss hihi

Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

this week

oke di post kedua ini gue mau membahas tentang minggu ini. emm di minggu ini adalah minggu pertama gue masuk sekolah abis gue dbd. emmm ya nothing special gitu deh. tasya ulang taun hari rabu tgl 25 (^) hmmm terus ya yang bikin gue stress ya biasalah tugas tugas dan ulangan dan proyek. seperti??? KI, KT, pr, UH, proyek deng dong mati aja semuanya!!!!!! ah malesin banget kan kawan kawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. ya hm hari ini gue cmn ke ulang taun tasya aja jadi begitu sampe rumah bosen deh, untung ada laptop yang bobrok dan internet yang lapuk. tapi yang bikin kesellllllllllllllll adalah gue gak bisa buka youtube, main pet society dll gitu deh karna ada something yg harus di download dan pas mau gue download tuh gak bisa. yah yaudah deh pasrah aja gue. gue gak suka sam bulan february ini, tapi ya gue jalanin aja. ya gitu lah minggu2 ini hufffffff semua semua nyebelin, ada sih yg nyenengin tapi ya gitu deh ah. oke di stop aja semua keluh kesal gue haha karna gue gak tau juga gue skrg nulis apaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bye (k)

long time no...........blablabla

udah lama banget ya gak sih ya gue gak nulis blog ngahaha ini karna keterbatasan leptop gue yang udah bobrok dengan internet gue yang lapuk hhhh. jadi pertama gue mau tell you tentang kisah gue dbd. haha telat abis ngasih taunya. oke jadi gue kena dbd tanggal berapa udah lupa. pokoknya itu adalah pengalaman mengerikan tapi keren. gue benci banget disaat gue di infus. itu amat sangat menyakitkan oh no kalo diinget inget kan tadinya gue gagal di infus gitu terus selang infusnya dikeluar masukin di tangan gue ebuset ngilu abis. oke hem kedua pas gue diambil darah. si suster layaknya vampire yang haus darah yagak sih tiap pagi kerjanya ngambil darah gue mulu. dan kerennya ya keren aja gitu gue masuk rumah sakit. HAHA lama sih ya hm lama banget gitu deh parah banget lamanya (lebay) padahal cuman 4 hari 3 malem -_- tapi gara gara dbd sialan ini gue gak masuk satu minggu. kebayang gak seeeh loe loe loe kalo seberapa banyaknya gue ketinggalan pelajaran? gue layaknya pelajar yg gak up to date ngahahaha padahal biasanya juga gak up to date gitu. dan akhirnya gue masuk sekolah hari selasa tanggal 24 gitu deeeeh dan dan dan pas gue masuk gue lgsg ulangan biologi. TEGA GAK SIH TEGA GAK HAH HAH. yaudah sih ya semua kisah hidup gue rata rata agak menyedihkan. hm males kebanyakan ke post berikutnya aja deh ye bye (k)

Kamis, 12 Februari 2009

many many many

So? Its been a long time! Yeah from my last post its about february. Cause I am lazy to open this blog, now I open again. Many story that I wanna tell you. First, about my drama. The title issss our history. We have to performance on wednesday 4th february. And the drama was success! Thanks god :D I'm glad in the end my drama was so great. And the second story about 2A's trophy. What the categories we win? That's ticket, setting and the last trophy is...........favorite drama!!!!! Wohooooooooo :D even the trophy just 3, but I'm so proud of it :D I want drama coming again :( I'm sad drama is over. okay the third story is about...studying! Oh my lorddddd I'm so stressed out about all of test, homework and many more! What should I do to handle this? Help me, please huuuuuu. Yeah this is my story but just a lil bit. I have a lot of tragedy on february. Sad, happy, confused, stressed, and I will tell you later cause I wanna sleep. Now I'm sick, mygod, I'm feel not delicious (merasa tidak enak -_-) okay I have to stop writing cause I have to sleep. Thank you for god, Allah SWT to bring me here even my life not good toooo much but I feel happy :D thank you for my family that always supporting me, thank you for my friend walau kadang2 you're so menyebalkan. Thanks to all haha (kenapa jadi thank you2 an?) Bye, ciaooooooooooooo!!!!!
Daraaaaa (k) lophe yow

Minggu, 01 Februari 2009


1st february 2009. january? end. welcome february. haha gak penting abissssssssssssss, hari ini tanggal 1 february loooh. cepet banget ya january. ah hari ini borrrrrrrrrrrrring banget gak kemana mana deh z. and 3 more days until drama oh no. wish 2A lucks. gue cuman iseng nge post ajaaaa, dan gue lagi kesel karna internet gue lemott ah eek. oh iya one more thing, gue lagi kesel sama seseorang, orangnya nyebelin banget gitu deh bisa dibilang eek abis. ah mati aja lu

Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009


hari ini gue latihan drama dirumah aisssssssya. haha sebenernya enggak latihan juga sih dan main main. ya latihan lah pokoknya. terus sebelom kerumah aisya gue kerumah nefa dulu, terus kerumah aisya deh ahahhaa. pas gue nyampe inka juga nyampe gitu haha. abis itu gue bingung kenapa laras sendirian memojokan diri sambil main mac ternyata oh ternyata batre mac nya bocor jadi harus di charge setiap saat ahahah gue kira kenapa. abis itu blablabla makan dll dan denger gima karaoke. akhirnya gue laras nefa kecitos jalan jalan, beli es krim dan main timezone. di timezone kita main deal or no deal gitu wakaka seru gilaaaaaaaa udah ampe gregetan gitu deh, pas udah dananya gak cukup akhirnya kita ngeliatin aja tuh ibu ibu sama anaknya juga main deal or no deal. abis itu kita main kyk cepet2an ngetik gitu deh ahahaha seru tapi pegel. abis itu si laras pulang deh nah tinggal gue sama nefa terus kita beli pop corn dulu di timezone, beli gelang dan foto lalu gue kerumah nefa dan nyampe rumah. dirumah gue makan duku, beol dan ngetik blog. sampe detik ini kurang lebih begitu, lets see apa yg akan gue lakukan selanjutnyaaaaa. wait for my next blog ya you guysssss (k)

Jumat, 30 Januari 2009


halo kawan kawan semua, gue mau cerita nih ya. gue lagi kessssssssssssel banget sama orang yang namanya niiiiiiit(sensor). why? dia tuh sebenernya baik ya (kali) tapi orangnya tuh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih ngeselin. dia ngejadiin gue kayak pelarian gitu loh. terus orgnya juga gimana gitu. pokoknya ngeselin gitulah, capek gua

lagu kita

jadi kita (gue dan nindy) bikin lagu untuk soundtrack drama kita nyahaha maunya sih gitu tapi enggak jadi kita bikin2 aja sendiri dengan lyrics yg ngasal tapi bagus. ini dia text nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa:

i wanna tell you
our history
about you and me
and us

little aidah
'zonis are you alright right?'
little joanna
'well, im joanna'
little ilyas
'hey yo yo whats up?'
little zonis
'jo, watch out!'

we're bestfriends for ever wherever whenever whatever and ever
our history

the endddddd, bagus kan? nyahahaha (?)
oh iya made by gue dan nindy


hey fellas, now lets we talk all about laras. bahasanya campur aja ya. jadi nama cewek yang tinggi ini kira kira 165 cm-an lah ya adalah laras atau ike larasayu, panggil aja laras atau ike haha. dia ini cewek pinter loh dan selera humor tinggi walau kadang krik krik juga sih ya. plat mobilnya tuh B 151 KE. you can see her at alizhar 8A. dia absen nomer 19. oh iya laras itu suka agak agak di pelajaran ilsos. emm biasanya dia suka ketawa ketawa gitu deh pas ilsos. kayaknya ada something di ilsos deh hem. okay laras suka cowok (yaiyalah) tapi gak tau deh siapa bwahaha. oh iya waktu itu kita ngehayal tentang kakek kita yang punya alizhar dan setiap kita dateng kita digelarin red carpet. di drama 2A dia jadi produser dan berperan jadi ibu aidah. kata kata yg agak agak gimana gitu adalah: 'whispring/wishpering' 'honey' 'too' wakakaka. tas yg sering dipake billabong dan hpnya nokia. tempat pensilnya warna biru tulisannya babyboo yg dari googirl. laras itu waketos loh kawaaaan dan partner tercintanya adalah alvin <3>

capek gua

you know what? im tired of you you know. i dont know what i have to do now. i dont know my mood right now. youre hurting me again and again. i want to forget about all of this but i cant. you came and you talk to me like nothing happened. i know thats not your fault but can you thinking about me? just a lil' bit. i want my life gonna be happy. not like this. i try to understand you as i can. but you never understand me. even its just makes my wish comes true, and make my life change become more happy or better. but you just make my life become worst. you changing everything in my life. everything.

Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

otm 2E-castellano

Hello fellas hihi guess what? Gue lagi disekolah dan tepatnya di teater kecil. And what are we doing now? Yeah we watch 2E and the title is castellano mihihi. Okay and bye cause I don't know what I have to write so byeeee (k)


kawan kawan sekarang sudah pukul 22.05 loh dan berarti waktunya untuk tidur, goodbye everyone! (k)


ngantuk dan bosen : tidur

bye you guys see you



aduh bosssssen deh ya semakin hari semakin kampung aja nih ah ah ah ngapain dong ya semua semua pada pergi z gua aja ditinggal tinggal emmmmm ngapain dongggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg laper tapi makan apa, main tapi main apa, telfon tapi telfon sama siapa, sms tapi sms sama siapa nggggh ah tau ah emang udah kampunggggggggggg kampung aja deh (?)

gladi bersih!

today is gladi bersih! wow its so dekdekan meeeeeeeeen. pokoknya jam 10 kita udah ke teater gitu deh make up dan ganti kostum. cepet bgt tau tau penonton udah pada masuk. yaaaaa lancar lancar aja sih dramanya tapi kayak kurang fun and no music di black out. hufffff tapi gapapalah masih ada waktu sampe pentassssss. wish we luck ya guys :b

Rabu, 28 Januari 2009

get well soon granma :(

get well soon my granma :(  i wish your condition will be better, dont make me worried. im sad hear you sick, and im so sorry i cant visit you now but i promise i will visit you tomorrow or day after tomorrow okay? i always pray for you and wish you health again :)


guess what? besok gladi berssssssih you know oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddddd. ya ampun hiks masya allah (lebay). besok kayaknya kelas gue ditonton sama 9A dan 7A deh. duh gue grogi banget nih besok, mana gue muncul di tengah2 penonton pas scene 1 dan scene 2. kebayang dong ya gimana rasanya hikssssssssssss. terus gue harus ekting nyolot di depan muka umum. hhhhhh doain sukses yaaaaaaaaaaaaa amin :')

Selasa, 27 Januari 2009


i hateeeeee my day! my day when youre hurting me and you dont care how it hurtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttts. youre always thinking about your self. what are you thinking about? youre so selfish-uh huh, so innocent, and you just like a back-stabber you know? oh and youre a liar umm maybe a really really liar. you want to be a famous person but you failed. and you think im afraid of you? of course not. you always think youre a perfect person, but youre noBoldt. cause no one in this earth will be perfect. what else? you want to be a leader but you just be a follower. i think you'll show off everything that you have but that doesn't matter cause what? cause everything you have now is not yours. well okay im tired if i have to tell everything about you cause that'll be so much okay? just happy with your really really bad behaviour. uh what ever

drama and today

hari ini kita drama loooooooooooc ihihihi kan kita liat kelas 2D tuh wow bagus dan 2B wow bagus-banget. gue jadi minder gitu (gak minder-minder amat sih) tapi ya gimana gt lah. terus sebelom solat ada something jeng jeng nindy luka omg tangannya kyk robek gitu loh soalnya ada kecelakaan yaitu si pengangkat hanger putus pas nindy megang (get well soon nin!) nah kan jadinya kita panik gitu terus si nindy dibawa ke uksssssssssssss, kata pak roy paling baru bisa besok. gue nangis kan panik, ada yg nangis jugaaaaaa. terus udah bingung siapa yg nge gantiin (nindy gak bisa tampil karna dibawa pak roy kerumah sakit) akhirnya kita gak tampil gladi kotor dan jadinya latihan di teater doang. pas udah mau scene 3 gitu nindy comeeeeee WOW haha kan kita di teater gak ada yg nonton terus tiba tiba ada yg bilang 'ulang dari scene 1' ternyata ada yang nontooooooooooon dan semakin bertambah banyak hihi asik. pokoknya kita gak ada persiapan buat diliatin penonton jadi ya rada kacau gitu deh tapi udah bagussssssssssssssssssssssss-i wish next performance we'll be better (k)
oh iya one thing you must to knowwwwwww guru les gue gak bisa ngajar sedangkan ada pr mat yg baru gue kerjain sampe nmr 20 dan itu berarti masih ada 20 nmr lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii watdehel

Senin, 26 Januari 2009


i hate this part. when someone's going to be nerd, weird and so innocent. i know you know something that i dont know, and then you will show off everything that you know. i hate a part of my life. but i know life is more harder than dreams. i have a lot of dreams, and many dreams not granted. i miss when i have a happiness life and no more cry. i want to stop my tears everynight i miss that time but i cant. i try to hold you but youre already gone. many stories about us, many time we spend together. how is this story about? uh i dont know. i dont know what i write. i dont know what i tell. i dont know all about this. maybe many words thats going to be wrong cause my english so bad. i need someone's who understand me, listening my story clearly and give me a solution. i need someone's who keep me save, i need someone's who never hate me and always with me. i need someone's who will teach me how to be a great person. i need someone's who never with me anytime, any moment, any minuite. ugh i confused. z whatever------------

long time

hell-o youuuuu it's been a long time! hihihi udah lama abis gak ngepost. oke karna udah lama i tell you a story about.......................drama. o-mg o-mg o-mg gladi kotor kapan hayooo? BESOK! oh no. gila panik abis gueeeeeeeeee hiks sebenernya sih emm biasa aja kalo diliat tapi dalem hati dag dig dug der daia ha ha ha jayus abis, drama gue sih ceritanya bagus, bagus banget malah. tapi kayak setting dll masih kacau gitu, padahal kalo lebih sering latihan pasti bagussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss cuman gue worried aja tentang ekting gue yg masih naujubile dan semuaaaaaaaaaaanya yaaaaampun ya allah masya allah doain dong semoga sukses lancar amin :''')