Rabu, 29 April 2009

sunday, friday, and more day

So sunday me and laras nefa nindy go toooo apartment and rusun. Its fun but when we are in rumah susun, I feel so dizzy and dizzy and dizzy more dizzy so dizzy! And I'm just sit then laras nefa nindy took a photo. Then we pick nindy's mother to inacraft (too much of people you knowwww!) And then we go go go to sency because nindy have to meet her family there and my mom pick me at sency too. Laras and nefa go home too hihi. Then I go home, I feel more better in my carrrrrr. When I'm home, I call my rabbit and I see he's sick ): just pray for my rabbit to make him (him? Because my rabbits are boy!) feel better like meeee :D hhhhhh so it is just finish! Hufffffffft so last sunday I was so sooooo soooooooo TIREDDDDDDD

Rabu, 22 April 2009

its too late? hmm i guess not

Hellooooooo (again) hihi :3 so 19th april is my birthday! And I'm so happy about it :D and I hope in this birthday I will be a better person and I'll get a more happinessss in my life! I wish all my dreams comes true and wish me all the best :D its not too late right? Yeah that's not. Happy birthday to me hihihi. Now I really really tired so just do it tommorow (k)


Hello you guys! Its so long time I'm not posts anything cause I'm tooooo busy to study -_- yeah its makes me stressed out you know and tommorow is ilsos test -,,,,- so fun (??!!?) I'm so tired about school, I want sleep right now hoaaah, ciaooooo! (K)

Rabu, 01 April 2009


KALIAN TAU GAK? (gak nyantai) kalo kemaren itu adalah miracle :D hihi tau apa? kan kemaren gue harus ngirim kshatriya mythology gitu kan ke emailnya ash, terus internetnya mati kan hiks terus gue udah mau siap siap kewarnet gitu kan akhirnya tiba tiba...........................TUKANG INTERNET DATENG!!! masya allah alhamdulillah banget deh ya ya allah :):):) makasih tukang internet! terus akhirnya gue kirim terus gue main fb blog dll deh ihihihihii

akhirnya hihhi

hai semua! haha hari ini nyebelin deh ya pertama alquran, gue baca lagi hufffffff -_- terus kedua matematika, pra latman hiks tapi catetan nisa ngebantu banget hihi makasih nis :b gak tau sih bagus atau engga, ya yaudalah ya udah usaha gitu kan. terus bahasa inggris, hmmm presentasi. kelompoknya ajeng gitu2 bagus deh iri hahahahah tapi kelompok gue juga baguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus kok tapi waktunya gak cukup jadi ya yaudah deh. terus pas ditanya mr amy pas gue baca gitu gue gak bisa jawab dan gue salah ngomong -_- bodooh. terus terakhir kan kesenian gitu kan, bikin unta dibalut tissue haiuhaiuhaiuha terus kan dibawah untanya ada rumput gitu kan jadi harus pake warna ijo, terus baju gue kenaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cat ijoooo. ah kesal. tapi yang seneng adalah : lega abis keramas (apa sih) haha terus gak ada pr tapi bukunya berat buat besok, abis itu akhirnya gue bisa main pet soc sama buka youtube gara gara kalo pake opera gak bisa download adobenya gitu tapi kalo pake internet explorer bisa gitu hihi asik yaaaaa, makasih internet explorer :D ah payaaaaaah opera payah! weeek :b:b:b